Monday, May 24, 2010

HAppy Birthday to Shi sHi

It's raining currently :)
I'm taking a break again after N hours of studies
Don't like the Eff post to be there so long so I m here to blog a little :P
I had my favourite Mint choc chip ice cream yesterday
and purposely ask the staff to press it harder so it won't drop when i lick! roar

OH not to forget something
I went to had 鱼头米粉 just now
and my ayi, cousins were all there . LOL max
and they asked me to bring along my books to SG with them
cause they are going on june 8 9 10. Exam? 14 15 16!!!!!
so I can study at the beach side relaxingly. LMAO
SEE. I start to be unbalance again :(
forget about it.

Today is the big day of this pretty woman :D
hope she enjoy her super duper 21st!
* I can't find others photo of us in my thousand of folders . paiseh la. haha* hair is so kanasai de long! O.o
of course this photo is like one year back already ~


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Ok! I promise I go sg together with your present :D
but you must bring me eat sushi ! haha
no more using work and assignment as your reason of being busy OK? :P
Happy Birthday :))


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